your life!
If careers are not well researched and selected at the right time, you or your child may lose a lot of opportunities, efforts & time, it becomes difficult day by day to survive the competition & latest developments in careers.
*Analyze & select a career
*Subject planning in Class -10th
*Self develpoment skills
CLASS 6 -8
Class 9 & 10
Class 11 & 12
College Graduation
Work Experience
*Education planning
*Institute selection
*Admission preparation
*Social Grooming
* College Exposure
*Internship Experience
*Masters Planning
* Career Skills
* Understand & match
-career options
-your own personality
* Learn decision skills
*Career Destination-Goals
*Career Ladder & Skills
*Network & Diversification
*Work-Life Balance
Important Decisions
Masters degree
& Internships
*Target Work Profile/ Industry
*Degree Planning
*Institute Selection
*Admission Process
*Required Work Experience
Career Decisions @ Your Age
The key is in not spending time, but in investing it!
Career counseling can be done at any age, there is no one right time to start thinking for the future, you can begin the process whenever you feel you need help. If you are planning it for your child, middle school is the best time, that is class 6th, 7th, and 8th.
Click to know about the specialized programs...
Current education
prepares students for the world of the past,
Celebrating Careers
prepares them for the world in future.
In nature, a seed is able to grow only when a suitable environment is present similarly, our growth can be only possible when a suitable environment is present. The best results come when we are completely prepared & this our core principle in our services i.e. for your success, we provide you the environment.
Limitations of Information can kill your dreams because they can be
Biased - Selling Pitch
We help you with RIGHT DETAILS to
help you achieve your goals
Latest Updates
360* Research
Unbiased Expert Advice
A well made decision can still fail because of many challenges such as
Emotional Stress
Lack of Guidance
We help you make RIGHT DECISIONS
to help you gain clarity
Timely Decisions
Research-based Clarity
Expert Planning
Putting efforts are not enough, it also needs attention to the direction
Lack of Planning
End Moment Decisions
Pressure of Performance
You need RIGHT DIRECTIONS to achieve efficient results
Planning & 100% Support
Personalized & Anonymous
Develops Decision Skills
Practice and training, can help your knowledge expand in actions, if not you
Lack of Practical Skills
Lack dynamic thinking
Lack Efficiency
You need to develop RIGHT SKILLS
for success in career & life.
All Round Development
Activity Based
Live Case Studies & Analysis
Without an expert , you may feel behind in the competition due to
Inefficient planning
Lack of specialized knowledge
Lack of network
Get the RIGHT PATH from experts & make the best move.
Real-Time Career Updates
Network & Grooming
Mindset & Skill Sets
You invest a huge amount of time, energy, and money but still no results
Lack of Self Study Skills
No Time Management
Low Confidence
Learning how to achieve RIGHT RESULTS can open you to many opportunities
Study Skills
Exam Preparation Planning
Critical Thinking & Presentation
Our Pillars Of Success
The more aware you are the better decisions you will make
Self - Awareness
Helps you discover your own guiding values and interests, which will help build a better life and a career of your choice.
Career - Awareness
Helps you understand and explore the meaning of different career options, specializations and the future prospects.
Decision - Awareness
It helps you learn and apply life skills to be proactive, competent and prepared
in your life and career journey.
How does CC guide your Career Success?
Experience 'Career Clarity'
Career Exploration Program- Mentorship
Rather than just give you advice and send you on your way, Saloni helps craft your career with you.
15-20 (minimum) activity-based sessions
Develop Career skills & Personalised Career Plan
Research, Analysis, Career Planning & Decision Making
Identifying Core Needs - Life and Career Goals
Lifetime Mentoring & Support

Who is a Career Counselor?
A career counselor is an expert who helps you make career decisions. They help you connect the world’s views with your personal views. Provide the latest details of career and developments in education and Industry. Also, they understand human psychology and help you understand yourself better.
What stream after 10th?
Your subject selection will be guided by your desired career destination. The subjects are vital in building the foundational knowledge of a career. The subjects that you study and the result declared in 11th and 12th will also impact your eligibility in graduation and post-graduation.
The right time to get counseling done?
Current education prepares students for the world of the past, celebrating careers prepares them for the future. Career counseling can be done at any age, there is no one right time to start thinking for the future, you can begin the process whenever you feel you need help. If you are planning it for your child, middle school is the best time, that is class 6th, 7th, and 8th.
Who can get counseling done?
Career counseling can be done for all ages starting from 6th grade to adults who want a transition in their career.
What careers options are available after graduating from science, commerce, or humanities?
We believe, if you want to reach a destination, the destination will guide the path from your current location. Similarly, the decided career will guide your subject selection as the syllabus will be the foundational knowledge relevant to the career. If careers are not well researched and selected at the right time, you or your child may lose a lot of opportunities, efforts & time & it becomes difficult day by day to survive the competition like IITs & IIMs & latest developments in careers. There are multiple careers after each of these streams. Some career options require a particular stream in 11th and 12th, hence deciding the career will guide all the related decisions. (* Engineering * Management * Law * Media & Journalism * Medicine * Hospitality & Tourism * Computer Applications * Finance & Accounts * Design)